About Me

Thanks for taking the time to check out my corner of the interwebs. Currently, I am Associate Editor for Premier Guitar Magazine. I write lessons and articles each month and get to work with some of the best writers working today. In the past I have served as Director of Marketing and Artist Relations for The National Guitar Workshop. It has been great to be able to move back to Iowa and be able to create amazing content for one of the most progressive companies around.

During that summer I used my time with NGW to finish my undergrad degree in Music Business from Minnesota State University-Mankato.  After my time in Mankato, I went to the University of Northern Iowa where I got my Master’s Degree in Jazz Pedagogy. After grad school, my wife and I moved to Connecticut to work for NGW full time.  It was an amazing experience where I get to spend my time with some of the greatest guitar teachers in the world and meet some of my all time guitar heroes.

Beginning with a Dave Matthews Band concert on 8/17/1995 (Yes, I know the date) I have had a huge interest in all things guitar.  Here you will find some articles I find interesting in addition to the occasional lesson I have time to crank out.

3 thoughts on “About Me

  1. I simply think your efforts with the Iowa City Jazz Festival have made a big difference in our programming and also want to thank you for all you did on and back stage helping Alex.
    Holy Cow. If I was a bit younger and with a better back, Id be with you guys. Thank YOU!

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